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时间:2024-10-23 作者:水幕墙 阅读:1263


首先是深色系。色常常与水联系在一起,能给人宁静、深邃的感觉。如蓝色如天空的颜色,会让整个水池区域看起来清新、开阔,仿佛将天空倒映其中。黑色则更具沉稳的气质,尤其在夜晚,配合灯光的照射,黑色的水池会有一种神秘的深邃感,像海洋的深处,让人不禁沉醉其中。用英语来描述为“Black is a classic choice.  Black blue can bring a fresh and open feeling, just like the sky mirrored in the pool. Black shows a more stable temperament. Especially at night, with the illumination of lights, the dark blue pool has a mysterious depth, like the deep of the ocean.”


其次是绿色系。绿色代表生机与自然。淡绿色的水池如同初春的新叶,充满活力,让人联想到生机勃勃的草地和清新的大自然。墨绿色则有一种典雅的气质,就像古老森林中的深潭,为金属网水幕增添一份静谧和高雅。英语表达为“Green represents vitality and nature. The light - green pool is like the new leaves in early spring, full of vigor, and it makes people think of the lively grassland and fresh nature. The dark - green has an elegant temperament, just like the deep pool in the ancient forest, adding a sense of tranquility and elegance to the metal net water curtain.”

再者是暖色系,如米黄色。米黄色的水池给人温馨、柔和的感觉,就像被阳光轻抚过一般。它可以使整个空间看起来更加舒适宜人,与金属网水幕的冷硬质感形成对比,带来一种和谐的美感。英语是“Beige is a warm color. The beige pool gives a warm and soft feeling, as if it's gently touched by the sun. It can make the whole space look more comfortable and pleasant, and forms a contrast with the cold and hard texture of the metal net water curtain, bringing a harmonious aesthetic.”


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